You can narrow down your search considerably by using the EYB filters. These will help you find recipes to match very precisely what you are looking for by a recipe type, ingredient matches, ethnicity, course, occasion and nutrition.
You will get more precise results by selecting Ingredient/Meat, poultry & game/Chicken in filters than you would typing Chicken into the search box. In this example, we are using Filter By options to find a Thai curry, that uses lemongrass but doesn't use nuts.
- Click on Recipe Types/Dish Types/Curry
- Click on Ingredients/Meat, poultry & game/Chicken/pieces
Click on Ingredients/Herbs & Spices/Herbs/Lemongrass
Click on Ingredients/Baking ingredients/Nuts - Add each item by clicking on the + on the right-hand side
- If you add an item by mistake - remove it from the filter area by clicking on the x.
- To exclude Nuts from your search click on the +, the filter changes to a black -
To learn more about the icons go to Understanding the Filter icons options.