To ensure the safety of your credit card information Eat Your Books does not store this information - the financial transaction is between yourself and PayPal. This means that any changes you want to make regarding your credit card needs to be done directly with them.
Here's how:
- Log in to your PayPal account.
- Click Wallet near the top of the page.
- Click Link a bank or Link a card.
- Update your bank or card information.
- Remove the old bank or card by clicking on it then click Remove at the bottom.
If you don't have a PayPal account (you will have paid using PayPal's credit card payment system) you will need to contact them directly. This is not always convenient for our international members, so we recommend you let your membership expire (by cancelling the auto-renewal on your Account page, accessed from your username at top right) and the next time you go to sign in you will be directed to the payment page and you can make a new payment through PayPal. You will not be penalized in any way, and your Bookshelf will always be there.