We currently are only adding new blogs/websites if they are prepared to publicize Eat Your Books. It is a huge amount of work and expense for us to index blogs, and unlike a book it is ongoing. Our daily new recipes from blogs we have already indexed is running at up to 40 new recipes a day. We have taken the view that EYB is primarily about the indexes of cookbooks and magazines - these are not indexed by any other site in the world. There are lots of free sites that index websites and blogs such as Foodily and Yummly. The Bookmarklet allows EYB members to add individual recipes from any website or blog (unless it is an "aggregator site" such as Yummly/Foodily). So any recipe you like the look of on a blog can be added to the Library and your Booksshelf.
If we do in future have the resources to index more blogs, we will definitely focus on sites from cookbook authors. In the meantime, you can add your request to the Forum topic Blog requests as we will use the number of requests as a guide to which blogs to index first.
If we do in future have the resources to index more blogs, we will definitely focus on sites from cookbook authors. In the meantime, you can add your request to the Forum topic Blog requests as we will use the number of requests as a guide to which blogs to index first.