Inputting Instructions for each of the Fields on the Indexing Form
Please make sure you have read the applicable Administration Manual before you begin, which explain the mechanics of working with the Indexing Form and provide an overview of member and pro indexing in EYB; if not please review before starting to index.
- Member Indexing - Administration Manual
- Professional Indexing - Administration Manual.
It is also mandatory that you read the comprehensive instructions in this manual for how to correctly index each field of the Indexing Form. The ? next to each field name on the Indexing Form will take you directly to the instructions for that field; you can access the same information below by going to the section pertaining to each field. These guidelines are very detailed and may at first seem a bit daunting, but it's important to have consistency across all the indexing data. By understanding the EYB 'rules' it will save both you and EYB editors a lot of editing time. Once you understand them, indexing becomes a very simple process.
NOTE: This manual explains indexing rules or the philosophy behind indexing: how to format English and foreign titles, how to categorize recipes, how to decide which ingredients to list and which to omit, how to deal with accompaniments versus recipes within recipes, etc. It provides complete descriptions and illustrations of EYB's indexing guidelines and should be consulted regularly while you're indexing. To help you get started, here's a quick list of the most common mistakes new indexers make:
Do's and Don'ts of Indexing -- How to Avoid the Top 11 Indexing Mistakes
- DON'T capitalize every word in the recipe title. DO capitalize the first word and any proper nouns, place names, words capitalized in EYB ingredient names, etc. --► more info
- DO put the English title first, followed by any foreign-language title after it in parentheses (with the first word of each title capitalized), no matter how it appears in the book. --► more info
- DO check the Recipe Types List for how to categorize many common recipes by Recipe Type, Ethnicity, Course, and Nutrition, plus capitalization of many words in titles.
- DO list every ingredient though member indexers may choose to omit the common pantry ingredients that fall below the thresholds in the Store-Cupboard Ingredients Table unless they're in the recipe title. Pro indexers should omit store-cupboard ingredients.
- DON'T list the special ingredient 'store-cupboard ingredients' unless the number of omitted store-cupboard ingredients is more than half the total number of ingredients in the recipe or more than half the total volume of the recipe. If less than half, just omit them. This only applies if omitting store-cupboard ingredients. --► more info
- DO categorize recipes as Vegetarian (and Vegan, where applicable) according to the definitions in the Indexing Form Instructions and the guidelines in the Recipe Types List. DO index both Vegetarian and Vegan if applicable wherever the Recipe Types List indicates that both are to be indexed. --► more info
- DON'T make recipes Accompaniments unless they're served in the same Course/alongside each other. DO make Accompaniments reciprocal. --► more info
- DO check the Indexing Form Instructions for special guidelines about certain ingredients, --► more info
- DON'T put public notes about recipes in the Indexer Notes field; DO put them in EYB Comments, and only use Indexer Notes for communicating with EYB staff. DON'T over-comment in the EYB Comments field. DO follow EYB's standard format for substitution comments -- "Can substitute A for B, and C for D." -- and close all comments with a period. --► more info
- DO proofread your work carefully! And one more for good measure...
- DO read and refer to the sections below for each field of the Indexing Form for complete indexing guidelines. This list is just the tip of the iceberg! And DO check the Change Log frequently so you don't miss important updates.
Change Log - last updated 8/23/2021
- Recipe Title
- Sort Order
- Recipe Types
- Ethnicities
- Courses
- Occasions
- Nutrition
- Accompaniments
- EYB Comments
- Images
- Ingredients
- New Ingredients
- Indexer Notes
- Serves
- Page Number
- Photos and Photo Credits
- Online URL
- Video URL and HTML
- Authors
- Recipe variations
- Recipes Added Table
Recipe Title
Type as it appears in the book with the following exceptions:
- Use of capitals:
- DO NOT CAPITALIZE EACH WORD! Only use a capital for the first letter of the first word:
Grilled fillet steak with the creamiest white beans and leeks - Capitalize proper nouns (country/region/city or personal/brand names):
Braised Florence fennel; Ham in Coca-Cola - Capitalize place names/words - even if not capitalized in the book:
Salad with hot bacon dressing (Salade Lyonnaise) - Capitalize words that are capitalized in the Ingredients list, even if not capitalized in the book, e.g. Parmesan, Gorgonzola, Bordeaux, Champagne, Port, Rice Krispies:
Caramelized onions, Gorgonzola, & rosemary pizza - Capitalize all letters in initialisms/acronyms: BBQ, TV
- DO NOT CAPITALIZE EACH WORD! Only use a capital for the first letter of the first word:
- Typos in original: correct them in the Title field, but do not mistake US vs. UK spelling variations - use the spelling in the Ingredients list.
- Foreign language titles: If both English and foreign titles are provided, always type the English title first then the foreign title in parentheses, with each title starting with a capital letter:
Tuscan polenta crostini (Crostini di polenta Toscana)
If either title contains parentheses in the book, replace them with square brackets:
Tomato sauce [easy version] (Salsa di pomodoro)
If the foreign title is the same as the English title, only include the title once:
Tiramisu - Use of accents: If the book uses accents, use them; if it doesn't, don't. See below for more help on accents.
- Identical titles: If there are two recipes with identical English and/or foreign titles, use Arabic numerals to differentiate them, even if the book uses Roman numerals:
- Tomato sauce 1, Tomato sauce 2
- Turkish coffee (Qahwa 1), Arabian coffee (Qahwa 2)
- Soubise sauce 1 (Sauce Soubise 1), Soubise sauce 2 (Sauce Soubise 2) - Extra author name: Where a book is a compilation of recipes by different authors, add each author name after the title in square brackets e.g. Peach clafoutis [Pierre Koffmann]. If a restaurant is also referenced you may add the restaurant name after the author e.g. Gatsby [Suzaan Hauptfleisch, Kaia Wine Bar]
- Incomplete recipe title: Sometimes a book that is all on one subject will miss out the type of recipe in the title e.g. Strawberry for Strawberry ice cream or Donald Duck for a children's birthday cake. To make the recipe easier to understand in search results, add the recipe type in square brackets e.g. Strawberry [ice cream] or Donald Duck [cake].
More about using accents...
- PC users have several options, but the easiest way to insert accents is to use the Character Map utility built into Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7). Find it here:
Start » Programs » Accessories » System Tools » Character Map
It's a good idea to add the Character Map to your Start menu (right-click on Character Map and select 'Pin to Start Menu') for easy access. - Mac users can use Option keys or the KeyCaps desk accessory located under the Apple menu.
WARNING: Beware of misplaced accents -- there is a world of difference between the French words “pâte” (pastry) and “pâté” (meat paste)!
Sort Order
Enter recipes in the same order as they appear in the book. The Sort Order number is assigned automatically by the system, starting with "0" for the first recipe, then in increments of 10 ("10", "20", "30", etc.) to allow for the insertion of up to 9 missed recipes between any two recipes in the book. If you miss a recipe, you may edit the Sort Order number to maintain book order. Refer to your Admin Manual (click here: Professionals) (click here: Members). NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE the system-assigned Sort Order value unless you are inserting missed/additional recipes.
Sort Order for Blogs
For the recipes to appear in the same order as the blog, it is important to start with the oldest entry and index in date order. This will ensure that the latest recipes will appear first in the recipe list.
Once the blog has been indexed and published all new recipes are added by EYB.
Recipe Types
This field categorizes the recipe. The Recipe Type is selected from a drop-down menu. Most are fairly self-explanatory, but note the following points:
- This field is not mandatory; some recipes will have no Recipe Type.
- You can allocate more than one Recipe Type where appropriate; see below for how to index Recipe Types for sub-recipes within recipes.
- To correctly categorize recipes, refer to the Recipe Types List for a list of commonly encountered dishes and their corresponding Recipe Type. The list also includes many Ethnicity and/or Course values associated with certain recipes/dishes.
- Values in the Recipe Type field automatically copy to the next blank record. If a carried-over Recipe Type does not apply to the current recipe, just change or delete it.
HINT: Keep the Recipe Types List open on your computer so you can search for recipes as needed using your browser's Find function.
More on Recipe Types, including indexing sub-recipes
- Sometimes multiple Recipe Types are appropriate if a recipe fits equally into more than one category:
- “Egg salad” - index as Egg dishes and Salads
- "Chicken and rice casserole” - index as Rice dishes and Stews & one-pot meals - There are some recipes for which no Recipe Type applies. Refer to the end of the Recipe Types List for selected dishes with no Recipe Type.
- For simple meat, poultry, and fish/seafood main dishes -- baked, poached, sautéed, etc. -- there is often no Recipe Type, so leave the Recipe Type field blank unless there is an indexable sub-recipe for a sauce, chutney, etc.
Many recipes are composed of a main recipe and one or more component/sub-recipes that are not separately indexed in the book, e.g., a salad recipe with a dressing sub-recipe. To ensure that sub-recipes are indexed and categorized correctly for maximum searchability, follow these guidelines:
- If the sub-recipe does not appear separately in the book as a recipe on its own, categorize the sub-recipe as well as the main recipe:
e.g. A salad recipe with a dressing sub-recipe, categorize as both Salads and Dressings & marinades. - If there are multiple sub-recipes, categorize all of them:
e.g. "Chess pie with blackened pineapple salsa & caramel sauce" - categorize as Pies, tarts & pastries; Dips, spreads & salsas; and Sauces for desserts. - Even if the "main" part of the recipe does not have an applicable RT, you should still index any applicable RT(s) for the sub-recipe:
e.g. "Roast chicken with corn relish," categorize as Chutneys, pickles & relishes.
For more information on indexing sub-recipes, see also Recipes within Recipes.
This field indicates the ethnic cuisine of origin or influence/inspiration of the recipe if any. You can allocate more than one Ethnicity where appropriate.
- Select the most specific Ethnicity that applies to the recipe in question, e.g. for a recipe entitled “Spicy Szechuan chicken,” index Chinese, not Asian. Chinese recipes would also be found in an Asian search, so there is no need to "index up" the hierarchy.
- If an entire book or an entire section is about one ethnic cuisine, e.g. for a Tuscan cookbook or chapter, you should index Italian in Ethnicities for every recipe, unless the Recipe Types List provides instructions to the contrary about a recipe's "default" Ethnicity. For example, a classic French recipe, like Béchamel sauce, should still be indexed as French even if it appears in an Italian cookbook; if there is an Italian "spin" on the recipe, index both the default Ethnicity French and Italian.
- Some recipes/dishes have an associated or “default” Ethnicity:
- for “yakitori” recipes, categorize as Japanese;
- for “gumbo” recipes, categorize as Cajun & Creole, etc.
Refer to the Recipe Types List for a list of pre-associated Ethnicities. - If a city/region/country is in the recipe name, e.g. for “Greek lima bean dip,” categorize as Greek.
Or, if the author mentions a city or country in the introduction/headnote, e.g. “This recipe is inspired by a traditional Provençal dessert,” categorize as French. - If a recipe’s origin is described as “Latin (American),” index South American and Central American.
- If a recipe's origin is described as "French-Canadian," index French and Canadian.
- If a recipe's origin is described as "Pennsylvania Dutch," index American
- If a recipe's origin is described as "Southwest(ern)" referring to the US Southwest, index American.
Values in the Ethnicities field automatically copy to the next blank record. If a carried-over Ethnicity does not apply to the current recipe, just change or delete it.
More about Ethnicities
- If a recipe’s name is given in a foreign language in addition to, or instead of, English, use that as the ethnicity -- e.g. “Marseilles-style mussels (Moules à la Marseillaise)” would indicate French ethnicity -- unless the Recipe Types List instructs otherwise.
- If the recipe’s name or author’s comments mention its origins in some part of the United States, e.g., “New England clam chowder,” then select American, or one of the US cuisine-specific Ethnicities: Cajun & Creole, African American, Native American, Hawaiian, or American South (for US Southern cuisine). DO NOT also index American if a more specific US Ethnicity applies.
- However, an American cookbook does not automatically mean that the recipes it contains are of American ethnicity, e.g., a gazpacho recipe appearing in an American cookbook would still be indexed as Spanish (the default Ethnicity for gazpacho).
- If the recipe puts an American “spin” on the classic Spanish soup - e.g. “California gazpacho” – index both Spanish and American.
- For “Tex-Mex,” index Mexican and American. - If a dish is eaten all over the world – omelets, pizza, kebabs, quiche, etc. – do not index an Ethnicity unless the recipe is specifically identified as being from a country/region, such as “Pizza Napoletana” or “Moroccan chicken kebabs,” or appears in a section devoted to one ethnicity. These “international” recipes that are considered to have lost their original ethnic origin appear in the Recipe Types List with no default Ethnicity in square brackets.
This field lists the course or meal for which the recipe would be served if any. You can index more than one Course where appropriate. Usually, the meal or course will be fairly obvious. Follow these guidelines:
- If the entire book or an entire section is devoted to one course, apply to every recipe unless as noted in an exception below or in the Recipe Types List.
- Follow the Recipe Types List instructions about a recipe's "default" Course even if they contradict what the author/book says. For example, even if the author/cookbook has categorized cookies in a Desserts chapter, you would NOT index a cookie recipe as Dessert, since Afternoon tea is the default Course for cookies.
- If the author’s comments indicate the meal or course,
e.g. “serves 4 as an appetizer,” index Appetizers / starters. - For many recipes/dishes, there is one Course that applies in every instance,
e.g. all “chili” recipes would be indexed as Main course. - If the author gives multiple course possibilities,
e.g. “serves 8 as an appetizer or 4 as a main course,” index all the Courses that apply. - Put all meat, poultry, fish, and pasta dishes into Main Course (and/or Appetizers or Small plates, if so specified), as well as any other Courses indicated by the author/cookbook.
- Index all simple vegetable and grain/pulse recipes as Side dish, as well as any other Courses indicated by the author/cookbook.
- Only index a Course for soups if one is specified, such as Appetizers, Main course, etc. Fruit soups may be indexed as Dessert or as specified by the author/book.
- If a recipe would not be served on its own as a course, do not index a Course,
e.g. sauces, pastry/pizza dough, frostings/fillings, dressings/marinades, etc. - Do not index the category General courses, which applies only to Books in the EYB Library.
- For many recipes the Course may not be obvious, so refer to what the author specifies as long as it doesn't contradict instructions in the Recipe Types List.
- If there is no course information provided in the cookbook, in these guidelines, or in the Recipe Types List, leave this field blank.
Values in this field copy from the entry in the previous recipe. If a carried-over Course does not apply to the current recipe, just delete it.
Refer to the Recipe Types List for more information on default Courses for certain recipes/dishes.
This field covers special events and times of the year if any. You can index more than one Occasion where appropriate. Follow these guidelines to apply Occasions:
- If an entire book is devoted to an occasion, apply to every recipe unless as noted in an exception below or in the Recipe Types List.
- If a chapter or section is devoted to an occasion, or a book is divided into sections by season, apply to every recipe in that section unless as noted in an exception below or in the Recipe Types List.
- If the author's comments mention an occasion such as “I like to make this dish for parties”, index as Entertaining & parties.
- If a Season, Holiday or Event appears in the recipe name, such as “Spring vegetable soup” or “Halloween cake”, index that Occasion.
- If a dish serves 10-12+, index as Cooking for a crowd. NOTE: This guideline does not apply for normal recipe yields of most baked goods, e.g., cookies, muffins, bars/slices, and small cakes usually yield one or more dozen; large cakes often yield at least 10-12 portions; etc. Only index Cooking for a crowd for baked goods recipes that yield more than the normal number of servings.
- Only index Cooking ahead if the dish can be: (1) entirely cooked ahead, such as soups, stews, cheesecakes, trifles; (2) assembled ahead and baked before serving, such as stratas, frittatas; or (3) substantially prepared ahead in its component parts, then assembled, baked, or reheated before serving.
- Do not index the category Seasonal, which applies only to Books in the EYB Library; instead, index the specific season -- Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall/autumn -- if one is mentioned/implied in the recipe title or specified by the author/cookbook.
NOTE: If substantial advance preparation (such as marinating) must be done in advance, include a warning that advance prep is needed in an EYB Comment -- e.g. "Beef must marinate for 4 hours or overnight." -- instead of indexing Cooking ahead.
The idea behind Cooking ahead is to indicate that most or all of a recipe’s preparation can be done in advance to save the cook time on the day of/before the meal/party/event. Most slow-cooker recipes, for example, should be indexed as Cooking ahead.
This field covers special dietary or nutritional features of a recipe, if any. You can index more than one Nutrition type where appropriate. Follow these guidelines:
- Include a Nutrition category only if:
- it's in the recipe name such as “Low-fat dressing”
- the author mentions it in the introduction
- a chapter/section is for a special diet or nutrition such as Low salt, Diabetic, Dairy-free. - Be aware, though, that recipes titles can mischaracterize Nutrition content -- for example, "gluten-free" is sometimes erroneously equated with "wheat-free", but many other grain products contain gluten, including kamut, farro, spelt, barley, and rye, among others. Indexers should be alert to mislabeled recipes and include an appropriate EYB Comment, e.g., Despite "gluten-free" in the title, this recipe has not been indexed as Gluten-free because it contains couscous.
- Vegetarian/Vegan: Always index a recipe as Vegetarian and/or Vegan where applicable, even if the recipe does not specify, according to EYB's definitions and guidelines regarding Vegetarian and Vegan - see "More information about Vegan and Vegetarian" below for further details.
- Kosher: Index the Kosher Nutrition tag when the book/author indicates that a recipe conforms to kosher dietary laws. NOTE: Kosher is not synonymous with Jewish, and recipes from other cuisines may be tagged as Kosher where applicable. Only tag Kosher in Nutrition and Jewish in Ethnicities when a traditional Jewish recipe -- as specified by the book/author or as indicated in the Recipe Types List with [Jewish] as the default Ethnicity -- is indicated as kosher.
- Do not index the category General health conditions, which applies only to Books in the EYB Library.
NOTE: Except for Vegetarian and Vegan as described above and in the More information... section below, EYB does not set nutritional standards for recipes, but instead relies on how the author or cookbook characterizes recipes (provided the recipe is not mislabeled as described above).
Values in this field copy from the entry in the previous recipe. If a carried-over Nutrition value does not apply to the current recipe, just delete it.
More information about Vegan and Vegetarian
- See the Recipe Types List for how/whether to index Vegan and Vegetarian for each Recipe Type. A few Recipe Types are not indexed as either Vegan or Vegetarian; in some (usually savory recipes), both Vegetarian and Vegan should be indexed if both apply; and in still others (usually sweet/dessert recipes), only Vegan is indexed where applicable.
- If a recipe contains no meat, fish/seafood, poultry, or products of animal slaughter - including meat/fish/poultry stock or broth, anchovies, bacon bits, pancetta, lard, suet, chorizo, fish sauce, oyster sauce, bonito flakes, animal rennet, and animal gelatin - then list it as Vegetarian in Nutrition, subject to the Recipe Types List rules for the Recipe Type in question. NOTE: Normal Worcestershire sauce contains anchovies, so do not index Vegetarian unless vegetarian/vegan Worcestershire sauce is listed.
- If the recipe contains no animal-derived products of any kind -- including eggs; dairy ingredients such as milk, cream, yogurt, cheese, crème fraîche, ghee, gelato, and sherbet; and honey -- then list it as Vegan in Nutrition, subject to the Recipe Types List rules for the Recipe Type in question. NOTE: There is animal gelatin in regular marshmallows, so recipes containing marshmallows are not Vegan (or Vegetarian); however, marshmallow fluff/creme does not contain gelatin. ALSO NOTE: dairy-free coconut yogurt/yoghurt should be added as coconut milk yogurt.
- Special note about cheese and Vegetarian/Vegan: Specific cheeses may or may not contain animal rennet, and although there a few 'vegetarian...cheese' ingredients in the Ingredients database that you can index, it would be impractical for EYB to create "regular" and vegetarian versions of every cheese ingredient. EYB assumes that vegetarians who object to the possible presence of animal rennet in cheeses will substitute a comparable non-animal-rennet cheese, therefore it is acceptable to index Vegetarian on recipes that contain cheese, subject to the Recipe Types List rules for the Recipe Type in question. Obviously, recipes containing cheese cannot be indexed as Vegan unless they call for a vegan (non-dairy) cheese and are free of other animal-derived ingredients, in which case a vegan cheese ingredient should be specified.
- Other possible non-Vegetarian and non-Vegan ingredients: Recipes can call for many other processed ingredients that may or may not contain "hidden" animal-derived products, e.g., margarine may contain trace amounts of dairy; prepared pie crusts may contain lard; red candies may contain carmine (from crushed insects); beers and wines may contain or employ animal products such as isinglass (fish bladders) or gelatin; seemingly "dairy-free" and "egg-free" cookies, crackers, and other baked goods may contain whey, lactose, or albumin (from egg whites); etc. As long as there are no clearly animal-derived ingredients called for, it is acceptable to index recipes calling for possibly taboo ingredients as Vegetarian and Vegan on the assumption that vegetarians and vegans will check product ingredients and substitute an acceptable product where necessary.
- Optional ingredients: Where a recipe would be Vegetarian or Vegan if an optional ingredient was used, then select an ingredient "...of your choice" and add the V/V tag as appropriate. For example if a recipe is Vegetarian apart from chicken stock which is listed as chicken or vegetable stock then add the ingredient "stock of your choice". Or if the ingredient is butter or coconut oil add the ingredient as "fat of your choice".
This field lists any recipes that have been suggested as an Accompaniment. You can index more than one Accompaniment where appropriate. Follow these guidelines:
If the recipe for the suggested Accompaniment has already been entered, choose it from the alpha drop-down list. If you have not yet entered that recipe, make a note and enter it at the end of the book. Use the Indexer Notes to mark that you need to do this.
The relationship between Accompaniments is reciprocal, e.g., if a side dish recipe is listed as an Accompaniment to a main dish recipe, that main dish recipe is also listed as an Accompaniment to the side dish; see below for more information and specific examples.
Rules for deciding whether to add another recipe as an Accompaniment:
It is an Accompaniment...
- When the author puts a menu together with a main course and a couple of side dishes from the book, or offers the option of serving a sauce with a dessert. If you wish you can also had in EYB Comments e.g. "This recipe is part of the Thanksgiving Menu".
- If two or more sauces are suggested to accompany a dessert. However, the reciprocal relationship should be made only between each sauce and the dessert in Accompaniments, not between the sauces themselves.
- When the author suggests other recipes in the book that could be served alongside/in the same course as the present recipe.
It is not an Accompaniment...
- When the author suggests a recipe that could be served before or after the present recipe. For example, a dessert would not be listed as an Accompaniment to a main course even if the author has grouped the two dishes in the same dinner menu.
- A suggested accompaniment that is not a recipe in the book should not be listed as an ingredient e.g. "Serve with potatoes" should not have potatoes listed as an ingredient. Ditto "Serve with..." ice cream, whipped cream, etc should not have those ingredients listed.
Recipes within recipes
Sometimes a recipe references another recipe within it - these are sometimes included on the same recipe page or referenced in another part of the book. To help you decide if the other recipe's ingredients should be included in the main recipe or if it's an Accompaniment, follow these guidelines:
- If the other recipe is referenced in the current recipe's list of ingredients and is an integral part of the dish, it is not an Accompaniment, so its ingredients must be listed:
e.g. Pasta alla nonna includes the book's home-made tomato sauce as an ingredient - list the sauce ingredients in the pasta recipe. Or if the author gives the option of using a pre-made tomato sauce, add the ingredient tomato sauce and mention in EYB Comments "You may use the tomato sauce recipe on p.x". - If the other recipe’s name appears in the title of the current recipe, it is not an Accompaniment, so its ingredients must be listed:
e.g. Masala omelet with green chile chutney - list the chutney ingredients in the omelet recipe. - If a sub-recipe is part of a main recipe, only index as a separate recipe as well if it is also suggested as an Accompaniment for another recipe:
e.g. A "Maple layer cake" recipe includes a sub-recipe "Maple buttercream frosting". If the frosting recipe is suggested as an Accompaniment to another recipe it must be indexed as a separate recipe as well as part of the cake recipe. - If a recipe is a component part of several other recipes in the book, such as a dressing or marinade, its ingredients must be listed in all of those other recipes that reference it. EXCEPTIONS:
- Do not list the ingredients if the included/extra recipe is for stock or broth. Just list an appropriate stock or broth ingredient – chicken stock, vegetable broth, etc. – rather than listing all the broth/stock ingredients.
- Do not list the ingredients if the included/extra recipe is for a spice/herb blend or rub. Just list an appropriate spice/herb blend or rub ingredient – za'atar, chermoula, etc. – rather than listing all the blend/rub ingredients. If the author has a specific spice blend name not in the Ingredients Database, request that it is added as a New Ingredient.
- Do not list the ingredients if the extra recipe is suggested as an add-on/go-with such as a sauce or condiment that, although listed in the main recipe's ingredients, is really intended to be served alongside. For example, a swordfish recipe lists a separate lemon sauce recipe from the book in its ingredients list or instructions, but states "Serve with the lemon sauce alongside"; in this case, the sauce is an Accompaniment, not an integral part of the swordfish dish, so cross-reference the lemon sauce and the swordfish recipe to each other in the Accompaniments field, and do not list the sauce ingredients in the swordfish recipe.
- Do not list the ingredients if the recipe uses leftovers from another recipe in the book. Instead add a generic leftovers ingredient e.g. leftover curry or leftover roast beef then add in EYB Comments such as "This recipe uses leftover Thai chicken curry on p.22". If there is no leftovers ingredient that matches, add what you need as a New Ingredient.
NOTE: If the author lists a store-bought ingredient as a substitute or second choice for the integral part recipe, list the store bought ingredient name and include an appropriate EYB substitution Comment, being sure to reference the sub-recipe's name exactly as it appears in the book: Can substitute "Easy garam masala" on P.x for store-bought garam masala.
To learn more about categorizing recipes within recipes, see Recipe Types.
EYB Comments
Type here anything important the user needs to know about the recipe; be careful not to over-comment. Don’t forget that the user will be referring to the recipe in their cookbook before making the dish, so don’t include cooking advice, serving suggestions, etc. However, if there is information that would be helpful to the user in evaluating whether to select a recipe, then include it. Occasionally an EYB Comment needs to be made for “administrative” purposes. Some guidelines:
- A significant advance prep time:
e.g. Requires marinating overnight. - Variations they can make to the recipe:
e.g. See recipe for a vegetarian variation. - Ingredient substitutions:
e.g. Can substitute whole wheat flour for rye flour, and raisins for currants. - To highlight that EYB has corrected a typo in the title:
e.g. EYB has corrected a typo in the recipe title, which appears in the book as "Chicken with brocolli." - To help the user locate a recipe that is difficult to find by the page number alone:
e.g. This recipe appears in the book as a variation of “Tibetan rice pudding.”
e.g. This recipe appears in a "Tips" sidebar. - To flag a discrepancy between the recipe title and the ingredient list:
e.g. Despite the title, this recipe does not call for garlic. - To alert that a bought ingredient may be listed e.g. pesto or garam masala, or a generic leftovers ingredient such as Leftover curry, but that a recipe in the book can also be used:
e.g. You may also use the Basil pesto recipe on p. 78.
e.g. This recipe uses leftover Thai green chicken curry on p. 52.
Sentence fragments are acceptable, but enter each EYB Comment with an initial capital letter and a period (.) at the end. Enter multiple Comment sentences as one block paragraph.
More information about EYB's standard format for substitution Comments
- Can substitute A for B. - make sure the ingredient you've listed in the Ingredients field is B/the last one listed, and the suggested substitution is A/the first one listed.
- Can substitute A for B, and C for D. - if there are two different substitution pairs, separate them with a comma.
- Can substitute A for B, C for D, and E for F. - if there are more than two different substitution pairs, separate them with a comma, and use a comma before the final "and" (i.e., use a "serial comma").
- Can substitute A for B; C, D, or E for F; and G for H. - if there are any internal commas within a substitution "group," use semicolons to separate them, and use a semicolon before the final "and" (i.e., use a "serial semicolon").
Images should only be added if there is an Online Recipe URL. There are two ways to add images:
- Import Image will import the image from the URL entered in Online URL. If no image imports (because it is embedded in the webpage) or the wrong image imports then instead:
- Upload Image which allows you to upload any image from your computer. Save the image you want on the website/blog or if it does not allow save then use your snipping tool. Then upload from your Downloads folder.
The major ingredients in the recipe are selected here from a drop-down list. See below for EYB's definition of what are considered Major ingredients that must be listed, and what are considered common pantry/Store-cupboard ingredients that need not be listed when they are present in small quantities/amounts. Adding store-cupboard ingredients is optional for member indexers. This field accepts as many Ingredients as you need to enter. Refer to Additional Information below for instructions on how to enter data.
NOTE: Ingredients do not need to be entered in the order in which they appear in the recipe, in order of importance, or any particular order. In fact, missed ingredients and other ingredients added after the recipe is first indexed will show up at the bottom of the list of ingredients.
- Major ingredients
- Store-cupboard ingredients
- Specific ingredients
- Fruits & vegetables
- Chocolate, citrus, herbs & spices
- Notes on eggs
- Ingredient name variations including regional and spelling
- Ingredient choices
- Optional ingredients
- Ingredients not listed
You will find it extremely helpful (and we recommend) to have these lists open while you work:
NOTE: If you're not sure whether to include the ingredients for a sub-recipe, make sure you read the sections Accompaniments and Recipes within recipes.
- Begin entering a word/characters from the ingredient name. Once you enter at least 3 characters, the system will display a drop-down of the first 30 ingredients containing the word/characters you entered, with exact matches listed first, then ingredients starting with the word/characters, then ingredients containing the word/characters anywhere else.
- For ingredients that have a common name at the start so that you have to type more than one word to see your ingredient, it can be faster to type letters in the middle e.g. instead of typing "chicken br" before you see chicken breasts, type "en br" - saves you five keystrokes every time.
- To select an ingredient from the drop-down, use the down arrow key until the one you want is highlighted, or continue to type until the ingredient comes to the top of the list; press Enter to select that ingredient and generate the next box. Alternatively, you may highlight the desired ingredient on the drop-down using your mouse/trackpad, then press Enter to select. If the drop-down goes away before you’ve made your selection, press the down arrow key to call it up again.
NOTE: An ingredient is not added until it moves out of the box and displays in the Ingredients list above the box with a delete sign (x) next to it. - If there are more than 30 ingredients containing what you entered and you do not see the ingredient you want in the drop-down, type a few more characters or the next word in the ingredient name, or try typing a less-common word in the ingredient name to narrow the display of matching ingredients.
- If the word/character string you entered exactly matches the first option at the top of the list in the Ingredients drop-down, press Enter to select that ingredient and generate the next Ingredients box.
- Deleting an ingredient: If you add an incorrect ingredient, delete it by clicking the (x) next to the ingredient.
- NOTE: the Ingredient Shortcut Codes list can save a lot of time for repetitive ingredients,.
Major ingredients
EYB defines the major ingredients as the ingredients that a user is likely to list when searching for a recipe. Herbs and spices (but not table salt and pepper) are major ingredients because users are likely to search for these.
Every ingredient that appears in the Recipe Title is considered a major ingredient and therefore must appear in Ingredients, e.g. for “Arugula with pancetta, grilled asparagus, garlic, and white beans,” arugula, pancetta, asparagus, garlic, and white beans would be listed, along with any other significant ingredients in the recipe
Store-cupboard ingredients
NOTE: from August 2023 member indexers can ignore this section.
Items that are common in small-moderate quantities to many recipes and would be expected to be on hand in most pantries/fridges are what EYB calls “store-cupboard” ingredients. They are not ingredients most users would normally consider searching. These ingredients are either:
- Indexed - if they are at or above the threshold quantity/amount.
- Omitted - if they are below the threshold quantity/amount (this is optional for member indexers).
- Indexed as a group name "store-cupboard ingredients" - if there are several store-cupboard ingredients in small quantities in the same recipe that have been omitted but collectively represent more than half the total number of ingredients in the recipe, or more than half the recipe's volume. Select 'store-cupboard ingredients' from the ingredients list, or use the shortcut 'sc'.
Refer to the Store-Cupboard Ingredients Table for the list of ingredients EYB considers omittable as store-cupboard ingredients, and the rule-of-thumb/threshold amount for each.
More information on Store-cupboard ingredients
Store-cupboard ingredients are the only ingredients that may be omitted when indexing, subject to the rules provided here and in the Store-Cupboard Ingredients Table:
- If an ingredient is a major part of the dish, always include it. For example, eggs would always be included in a recipe for an omelet or any other recipe categorized as Egg dishes.
- If any ingredients are mentioned in the Recipe name, no matter what the quantity, those ingredients must be included. For example, for a recipe entitled “Spinach with lemon and garlic,” both lemons and garlic must be listed as ingredients even if they are below the rule-of-thumb.
- If most of the recipe consists of store-cupboard ingredients in quantities below the rule-of-thumb, for example, a cake, cookies, or bread, then list the special EYB ingredient "store-cupboard ingredients" along with any other major ingredients.
- DON'T list store-cupboard ingredients just because you've omitted one or more ingredients. A general guideline is to list the special "ingredient" store-cupboard ingredients only if the omitted ingredients represent more than half the total number of ingredients or more than half the recipe's volume when combined, not counting salt, pepper, and water/ice toward the total.
- If the entire recipe consists of store-cupboard ingredients below the thresholds, do not list store-cupboard ingredients as the only "ingredient"; instead, list the top 1 or 2 ingredients in the recipe.
- Ingredients in the Store-Cupboard Ingredients Table refer to the specified “base” ingredient, not their sub-varieties, which should always be included as specified in the recipe.
For example, don’t list red wine - unless in the title, but do list Marsala wine, Chianti wine, dry red wine, etc.; don’t list milk, but do list goat milk, soy milk, buttermilk, etc.
Examples of when you would and would not include the ingredient 'store-cupboard ingredients':
- For a chocolate chip cookie recipe calling for 9 ingredients (don't count the salt):
½ lb. (2 sticks) butter, ½ c. white sugar, ½ c. dark brown sugar, ½ c. light brown sugar, 2 eggs, 2 c. all-purpose flour, ½ tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 2 c. chocolate chips, and ½ tsp. salt
You would index 5 ingredients in total:
(1) butter
(2) eggs
(3) all-purpose flour
(4) chocolate chips
(5) store-cupboard ingredients to cover the 5 ingredients you omitted – white sugar, dark brown sugar, light brown sugar, baking soda, and vanilla extract – because they do not meet the Store-Cupboard Ingredients Table thresholds for listing, but they do represent more than half the total number of ingredients.
- For a dough starter:
¾ c. all-purpose flour; yeast; water (never listable)
For a recipe like this one which has one omittable ingredient (flour) plus one listable ingredient (yeast), you would index 2 ingredients:
(1) all-purpose flour
(2) yeast
rather than indexing store-cupboard ingredients for the flour, which is technically omittable as it is under the Store-Cupboard Ingredients Table threshold for listing, but the flour represents more than half the volume of ingredients.
Specific ingredients
In choosing which ingredient to select from the Ingredients list, be as specific as the recipe. For example:
- If the recipe calls for “dried porcini mushrooms,” select dried porcini mushrooms, as opposed to mushrooms or porcini mushrooms.
- If a recipe calls for “canned beans“ without specifying a variety, select canned beans; however, for “canned fava beans,” select canned fava beans.
- Be as specific as possible on cuts of meat/poultry e.g. boneless skinless chicken breasts or bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts.
Sometimes you need to enter an ingredient in different ways to find the ingredient as many ingredients have several name variations.
EYB does not always create a separate ingredient for every form in which an ingredient can be called for in a recipe, but indexers may suggest new ingredients where appropriate as described below in Ingredients not listed.
Fruits & vegetables
Previously, the decision was made not to create separate ingredients for all the different varieties/cultivars of common fruits and vegetables that might exist. Now, all varieties are being added to the ingredients database, so add what is specified, and add a New Ingredient if you cannot find what you want. If the NI is very unusual please add a description in Indexer Notes to help us classify it.
Chocolate, citrus, herbs & spices
A few other ingredients have specific indexing guidelines:
- Previously, bittersweet and semisweet chocolate were indexed as dark chocolate. Now index whichever type of chocolate the author calls for.
- Previously, fresh (-squeezed) citrus fruit juices were indexed as the respective fruit – lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, etc.; the same was true for citrus zest/peel. Now index juices or zest/peel as required in the recipe if only one is needed. But if whole fruit are required, add the whole fruit e.g. both lemon zest and lemon juice required, index as lemons.
- Previously, both flat-leaf/Italian parsley and curly parsley were indexed as 'parsley'. Now index as specified by author, or just parsley if not specified,
- For most herb ingredient names, the “default” format is the fresh herb – basil, cilantro, parsley, dill, etc. The dried version of each herb is usually available as a separate indexable ingredient. Index whichever version is called for, but if fresh vs. dried is not specified in the recipe, choose the default/unspecified version.
One exception is dried oregano (the more common dried herb), with fresh oregano available as a separately indexable ingredient. - For most spice ingredient names, the “default” format is the ground/powdered version of the spice – cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, allspice, nutmeg, turmeric, etc. The whole version of the spice is usually available as a separate indexable ingredient. Index whichever version is called for, but if ground vs. whole is not specified in the recipe, choose the default/unspecified version.
An exception is fresh ginger, which in EYB refers to the fresh root, ground ginger is available as a separately indexable ingredient.
Notes on Eggs
The rules governing whether to list or not to list eggs, egg whites, and egg yolks are:
- If only whole eggs are called for, list eggs, no matter how few/many. (Note: If Recipe Type=Egg dishes or “egg/s” is in recipe title, then eggs or an egg ingredient must be listed.)
- If only whites are called for, list egg whites no matter how many.
- If only yolks are called for, list egg yolks no matter how many.
- If hard-boiled/hard-cooked eggs are called for, index hard-boiled eggs (or the variation hard-cooked eggs) no matter how many.
If egg whites and egg yolks are called for, combine them into “whole-egg equivalents" and list eggs if the number of whole-egg equivalents is even (no partial eggs leftover), e.g., recipe calls for 3 whites plus 3 yolks, so list eggs as this is 3 whole-egg equivalents.
If whole eggs/whole-egg equivalents plus any number of additional egg whites/egg yolks are called for, list eggs and either egg whites, egg yolks as appropriate, e.g., recipe calls for 2 whole eggs plus 6 egg whites and 3 egg yolks, so list eggs and egg whites as this is 5 whole-egg equivalents with 3 additional egg whites.
Ingredient name variations including regional & spelling
Some ingredient names differ significantly depending on the country/cuisine. In these cases, EYB has created a master ingredient with one or more linked variations.
- Regional variation: e.g. “eggplants” in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are called “aubergines” in the UK.
- Spelling variation: e.g. the herb mix za’atar can also appear in recipes as zaatar, zahtar, and zathar, among other spellings.
Indexers should list the ingredient that appears in the recipe, so that users will see “aubergines” listed in recipes from UK cookbooks, but users searching for either ‘aubergine'or ‘eggplant’ will find this recipe.
More help on variationsWhen entering an ingredient that matches a name variation of an ingredient, you will see the variation appearing in square brackets after the “master” ingredient it is associated with. Selecting this ingredient will cause the square-bracketed variation to display in the recipe listing on the EYB website.
Ingredient choices
Where the author offers a choice of ingredients, follow these guidelines:
- Index the first one listed. For example, if the recipe states “2 lbs. ground beef or ground turkey,” index ground beef. Though where a recipe would be Vegetarian or Vegan if an optional ingredient was used, then select an ingredient "...of your choice" and add the V/V tag as appropriate. For example if a recipe is Vegetarian apart from chicken stock which is listed as chicken or vegetable stock then add the ingredient "stock of your choice". Or if the ingredient is butter or coconut oil add the ingredient as "fat of your choice".
- Include an EYB Comment if the option is significantly different, as in this case, such as Can substitute ground turkey for ground beef.
- Do not include an EYB Comment for common or self-explanatory substitutions, such as canned beans for dried, or a dried herb for fresh.
- If a lot of suggested ingredients are provided, such as “1 c. nuts (can use walnuts, pecans, almonds, or hazelnuts, or a combination of any of these),” index nuts of your choice, and add an EYB Comment, such as, "See recipe for nut suggestions."
Optional ingredients
If any ingredients are listed in the recipe as optional, leave them out.
Ingredients not listed
If you cannot find exactly the ingredient you want, then index what seems closest and add an explanatory note in the Indexer Notes field so that EYB can review the ingredient you have selected. Or if nothing seems to fit, request a new ingredient by typing the name of the suggested new ingredient in the New Ingredients field, along with any available back-up/explanatory information in the Indexer Notes field.
For EYB Pro Indexers ONLY: See the More about... note at the end of New Ingredients below for specific instructions when requesting new ingredients.
New Ingredients
This field does not display on EYB and should only be completed if you need to suggest to EYB that one or more new ingredients, or new ingredient variations, be added to the EYB Ingredients table. To request a new ingredient:
- Enter just the new ingredient/variation name(s) in this field. Separate multiple new ingredients with semicolons (;).
- If the author provides any information about the new ingredient, such as synonyms, alternate spellings, sources, etc., enter this information into the Indexer Notes field.
- If you are requesting a new variation of an existing ingredient, e.g. when an ingredient is known by a different name in the UK or Australia than it is in the US, provide the name of the existing ingredient in Indexer Notes.
- If the book you are working on calls for a number of new ingredients, and particularly if the same ingredient is required for multiple recipes, send an email to while you are in the process of indexing the book to request that the new ingredient(s) be added to the Ingredients table so that you can index the new ingredients before you finish the cookbook.
For EYB Pro Indexers ONLY: More about requesting new ingredients...
In addition to entering the requested new ingredient or variation into the New Ingredients field, EYB Pro indexers should also list the special ingredient 'NEW INGREDIENT' (shortcut code = 'n1') in the Ingredients field. Indexing 'NEW INGREDIENT' ensures that you will be paid for every ingredient you've indexed, including the new ones you've requested. Multiple new ingredients should be added as 'NEW INGREDIENT 2' (shortcut code = 'n2'), etc.
Indexer Notes
This field does not display on EYB and can be used to make notes to yourself or to communicate with the Data Manager.
Use Indexer Notes to:
- remind yourself that you need to return to a recipe to cross-reference another recipe located later in the book as described under Accompaniments. When you are done adding Accompaniments, be sure to delete any Indexer Notes to yourself.
- enter questions or comments about a recipe for the Data Manager.
- provide supporting information about new ingredients requested.
When you reach the end of the book, use the Recipes Added Table to sort by this column. See Recipes Added Table for more information about finding and editing recipes.
- Use the servings on the individual recipe or some books will have a standard serving size for every recipe, usually stated at front of the book.
- If the recipe is something like cookies or bars, enter the yield with the type e.g. 24 cookies.
- If the recipe is a sauce then enter the yield as e.g. 1 cup or 250ml if the author lists that but don’t bother trying to calculate it if they don’t.
- If the author says nothing about serving size or the recipe is a type for which serving size is not so relevant then leave blank.
- If the author suggests the recipe is scalable and gives instructions on that, list the range.
- Enter the servings as a number rather than word e.g. 4 not Four. If there is a range enter it as that e.g. 4-6.
Page Number (books and magazines)
This field indicates the page number on which a recipe appears in a book or in a magazine issue. Page Number does not appear on the data entry form for blog recipes.
- For a recipe that is printed in its entirety on one page, enter just the page number: 24
- If the recipe continues on additional page(s), enter just the page number on which the recipe starts, i.e., the page on which the recipe title first appears, even if the bulk of the recipe appears on additional page(s). Disregard any extra pages on which a photo of the recipe, an introduction, a headnote, etc., appears if not on the same page as the recipe itself.
Photos and Photo Credits
Photos should only be added if there is an Online Recipe URL (see note below on when links are allowed). Indexers must NOT add scans of photos in cookbooks as this is a breach of copyright.
The Photo Credit field allows you to enter the name of the photographer to whom the photo of the finished recipe in the Photo field is attributed; sometimes this information is only available in the print magazine issue and not online.
Online URL
NOTE: EYB discourages Members indexing their books from searching for and adding Online URL's at this time. Many online recipe sources are not legitimate because they reproduce recipes without the copyright holder's permission, so EYB has restrictions on the sources we link to as well as the number of URL's certain publishers allow.
This field is used to provide the web address where the recipe can be found online, either a link to a blog recipe, or a link to an "official" website that is authorized to reproduce a book or magazine recipe.
- For recipes appearing in magazine issues, the order of preference for websites is publisher, then author. Selected magazine recipes appear on official partner websites, e.g., publishes recipes from Bon Appetit and Gourmet, so if a recipe doesn't appear on the magazine publisher's website, it is acceptable to provide a link to the recipe on a partner website.
- For recipes appearing in books, the order of preference for websites is: author, publisher/TV network (for TV show tie-in books, such as those from Food Network chef-authors), newspapers, and magazines.
Video URL and HTML
If when adding an Online URL you notice there is also a video on that page then you can add a link to it. ). The reason there are two fields is that sometimes the link can be embedded so the video plays in a pop-up on EYB (the Video URL field) and sometimes the video can only be played on the website/blog so we provide a link to it (the Video HTML field).
- Video URL – these are usually only available from YouTube or Vimeo. If the YouTube logo appears under the video then you can click on that to get to the embed link. You click Share under the video on YouTube. Then you click Embed and copy this type of code into a text or Word doc:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src= title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
But you don’t want all that HTML, just the URL part which for this video is the link in blue, so copy and paste that into the Video URL field.
- Video HTML – where there is no YouTube or Vimeo embed option you then click Generate HTML under the Video HTML field and that is automatically created from the Online Recipe URL.
The Author field only appears on the data entry form for magazine and blog recipes.
This field indicates the chef, cookbook author/recipe creator, or other "celebrity" name, if any, attributed to the recipe being indexed, and is selected from a drop-down menu. If an author's name does not appear in the EYB Author list, it cannot be selected for this field. You can index more than one Author where appropriate.
If the blog is a single-author blog, e.g., Dorie Greenspan is the author of the blog In the Kitchen and On the Road with Dorie, the system will automatically supply the blogger's name by default in all blank Author fields when the blog recipes are approved for the EYB database. DO NOT enter the blogger's name in the Author field if the recipe is only attributed to the blogger. If the blogger attributes a recipe to another author/chef, enter that other person's name in the Author field as described above.
Recipe variations
If a recipe has significant variations then it should be listed as a separate recipe in the index. You can tell if the changes are significant if the extra recipe is given its own title or if it is listed in the book's index. Small suggested options such as a different protein or spice would not be enough to warrant a separate listing but do always note optional ingredients in EYB Comments or if there are a lot just add "See recipe for variations".
Recipes Added Table
This table lists the recipes in the order they appear in the book -- the Sort Order -- and adds each new recipe to the Recipes Added table as you save it. Use the table to review and edit your recipes and check that no Page numbers have been missed.
- Navigation keys
- Filters for easily finding recipes
- Click on column heading to sort by that column
- To delete a recipe click (x)
- Book page numbers
For more information on using the Recipes Added Table
- Navigation Keys - these appear on the top and bottom lines of the table:
1 2 3 4 etc Page numbers
| Go to first page
Previous Page
Next Page
| Last Page - Finding recipes/filtering: To find a particular recipe by its title, use the Filter feature: just click on the funnel to the right of Title and enter your search criteria into the box(es). In the example below, the recipe ‘Chicken and leek Stroganoff’ can be found by selecting ‘contains’ in the first Filter drop-down and entering ‘chicken and leek’.
- Sorting: The default order for the list is by Sort Order. You can change the order by clicking on the label of the Title, Page#, New Ingredients, or Indexer Notes column. One click lists in ascending order, a second in descending order. This is useful, for example, to group all the recipes with Indexer Notes or New Ingredients together when editing your recipes. Also to check that Sort Order and Page# show the same progression.
Note: To select a recipe from a filtered or sorted list without losing your filter/sort result, press CTRL-click when you click on the recipe name on a PC, or Command-click on a Mac, which will open that recipe in a new tab. After reviewing the recipe and saving any changes, you can close that tab and return to your original tab to continue accessing your original filtered/sorted list. Otherwise, if you click directly on the recipe name in a filtered or sorted list, the system will default back to the entire Recipes Added list after you finish with the recipe you accessed.
Change Log
Date | Change | Link |
8/15/23 | Changed store-cupboard ingredients instructions for member indexers. | Store-cupboard ingredients |
2/3/22 | Added new section on Recipe variations | |
8/23/21 | Added new section on Video URL and HTML | Video URL and HTML |
8/23/21 | Added new section on Servings | |
8/23/21 | Added new section on Images |
8/23/21 | Added section on Extra author name | |
8/20/21 | Added note to Vegan/vegetarian on coconut yogurt. | Nutrition |
8/19/21 | Updated section on Fruits & Vegetables. | |
8/19/21 | Updated section on Chocolate, Citrus, and Parsley. | Chocolate, citrus, herbs & spices |
7/16/21 | Added a section on Leftovers. | Recipes Within Recipes |
1/30/19 | Added a section on EYB's new Kosher Nutrition tag. | Nutrition |
1/30/19 | Clarified that the Cooking for a crowd rule-of-thumb does not apply to most normal-yield baked goods. | Occasions |
1/30/19 | Added instructions to index Pennsylvania Dutch and Southwest(ern) US recipes as American. | Ethnicities |
8/1/18 | Added a NOTE to index an appropriate Nutrition tag rather than requesting a specific low-fat, low-calorie, etc. ingredient. | Nutrition and Specific Ingredients |
8/1/18 | Added additional examples of non-Vegetarian and non-Vegan ingredients in "More information about Vegan and Vegetarian". | Nutrition |
8/1/18 | Revised chocolate chip cookies example illustrating when to list 'store-cupboard ingredients' based on new "egg math" guidelines. | Store-cupboard ingredients |
8/1/18 | Simplified Notes on Eggs aka "egg math". | Notes on Eggs |
8/1/18 | Added instruction on indexing 'parsley' for both flat-leaf/Italian and curly parsley. | Chocolate, citrus, herbs & spices |
8/1/18 | Modified instructions for how EYB indexes dried/fresh oregano and fresh/ground ginger. | Chocolate, citrus, herbs & spices |
8/1/18 | Corrected a typo in "See recipe for a vegan variation." | EYB Comments |
8/1/18 | Expanded the instruction and examples about "locator" Comments. | EYB Comments |
8/1/18 | Added "grain/pulse" to simple vegetable dishes that are indexed as Side dish by default. | Courses |
8/1/18 | Clarified that there is no default Course for soups, but Appetizers, Main course, etc. can be indexed if so specified. | Courses |
8/1/18 | Added instructions to index French-Canadian recipes as French and Canadian. | Ethnicities |
8/1/18 | Clarified that the instruction to use Arabic numerals to differentiate identical recipe titles applies to English and/or foreign titles. | Recipe Title |
4/28/18 | Clarified that Member-Indexers should not add Online URL's. | Online URL |
10/24/16 | Added a NOTE that ingredients do not need to be entered in order | Ingredients |
10/24/16 | Added a spice/herb blend and rub exception to the instructions about listing component ingredients for Recipes within recipes | Recipes within Recipes |
10/24/16 | Added a NOTE to clarify EYB's policy regarding Online URL's | Online URL |
10/24/16 | Clarified the "dough starter" example for when not to index 'store-cupboard ingredients' | Store-Cupboard Ingredients |
10/24/16 | Clarified that the page on which the recipe title appears is considered the Page Number for a multi-page recipe | Page Number |
10/24/16 | Changed Ethnicity tag for North American to American, and Central Southern States to American South | Ethnicities |
2/16/15 | Changed instructions for Page Number to apply to books as well as magazines | Page Number |
7/29/14 | Clarified when to index the collective ingredient 'store-cupboard ingredients' | Store-cupboard Ingredients |
7/29/14 | Added instructions on indexing hard-boiled/cooked eggs | Notes on Eggs |
7/29/14 | Clarified indexing guidelines for Occasions when an entire book/section deals with one occasion | Occasions |
7/29/14 | Clarified indexing guidelines for Courses when an entire book/section deals with one course | Courses |
7/29/14 | Clarified indexing guidelines for Ethnicities when an entire book/section deals with one ethnicity | Ethnicities |
7/29/14 | Added instructions for dealing with recipe titles that mischaracterize gluten-free or other nutritional aspects of recipe ingredients | Nutrition |
7/29/14 | Revised Vegan/Vegetarian section of Nutrition field guidelines, including information on vegetarian cheeses and processed ingredients that may or may not contain animal-derived components | Nutrition |
6/1/14 | Added "Do's and Don'ts of Indexing" section highlighting common mistakes | Do's and Don'ts |
10/21/13 | Added instructions about capitalizing initialisms/acronyms in recipe titles | Recipe Title |
10/21/13 | Added instruction to index simple vegetable recipes as Side dish; and added instruction NOT to index a Course for Soups (except Dessert soups) |
Courses |
10/21/13 | Clarified guidelines about assigning an Ethnicity to an entire book/chapter | Ethnicities |
10/21/13 | Clarified guidelines about assigning a Course to an entire book/chapter | Courses |
10/21/13 | Clarified reciprocal relationship between Accompaniments | Accompaniments |
10/21/13 | Deleted reference to recipes "inspired by" authors from Authors for Blog recipes | Authors |
10/29/12 | Edited instructions to clarify how system-assigned Sort Order values work and why they need to be left as assigned by the system unless inserting missed/new recipes. | Sort Order field |
7/31/12 | Added instructions "For Pro Indexers ONLY" about indexing 'new ingredient' when requesting new ingredients | New Ingredients |
7/31/12 | Added "serial comma" rule to instructions on use of commas/punctuation in "More information about EYB's standard format for substitution Comments..." | EYB Comments |
7/31/12 | Clarified that Photo Credits apply only to magazines, not blogs | Photo and Photo Credits |
7/12/12 | Updated instructions on Submitting finished books for member indexers. | Submitting a book to EYB |
4/27/11 | Added instructions to only list title once if English and foreign title are identical. | Recipe Title field |