To add a book to the EYB Library, you can either import the ISBN using Import Books or click Add Member Books, both links under the My Bookshelf tab. Import Books will download the book data from Amazon and you should always try this first if your book has an ISBN as it will save you time entering data. However if your book does not have an ISBN or it does not import (because it is not listed on Amazon or does not have a food or drink tag) then this new feature will allow you to add the data yourself. Please only add food or drink books. The book does not need to contain recipes but it does need to be about food or drink. Before adding a book this way, please make sure the book is not already in the Library - if the author is at all well known you can assume the book will already be there.
You can check which books you previously requested to import, which were not added, by clicking My Added Books, again under the My Bookshelf tab. You can view books you have imported and books you requested that did not add, either because they were not on Amazon or they did not have a food/drink tag. Just select the options on the right menu in the green bar.
Please note that although we refer to books throughout this page, you can also use Add Member Books to add Magazines to the Library. We will change the type to Magazine when we approve your addition.
Using the Input Form
Some general points about using the data input form:
- Your cursor will be placed in the Book Title field. (1)
- For an explanation of input fields click on the (?) next to each field. (2)
- Use Tab to move from one field to the next.
- In the variable selection fields once you start typing you will see options to match - once you have the correct match, press 'Enter' to make your selection. (3)
- To delete a selection click on the (x) next to the selection. (4)
- In the dropdown fields (v on right hand side) click the box to see a list of options to select from. (5)
- Once you have completed a book entry click on 'Save' (6)
To be consistent with all other books listed in the EYB Library - please follow these guidelines:
Book Title
Main Title - Enter the main title of the book only - exclude the Leading Article. Capitalize all words except articles that are not the leading article (a, an, the, le, etc.), prepositions (at, by, to), coordinating conjunctions (and, but, for).
Sub Title - Enter the sub text - usually a descriptor of the main title. The colon : between the book title and sub-title will enter automatically on the site. Follow the same capitalization rules as for Main title.
Leading Article - usually 'A' or 'The'. Include non-English articles such as 'Le' and 'Die/Das/Der'.
The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook: Recipes and Wisdom from an Obsessive Home Cook
Smitten Kitchen Cookbook is the Main Title
Recipes and Wisdom from an Obsessive Home Cook is the Sub Title
The is the Leading Article.
Always add either the 13 or 10 ISBN number if there is one. You only need to add one of these, not both.
Pre 1966 No ISBN
1966-1970 9 digit ISBN. You can use this but prefix it with a zero digit '0'
1970 - 2007 10 digit ISBN - use this one.
2007 - current 13 digit ISBN - use this one (no need to enter the 10 digit as well)
If you enter an ISBN for a book that already exists in the EYB Library, you will be advised to press 'Save' and the book will be added to your Bookshelf.
If adding a magazine, do not enter any number in the ISBN field. The barcode numbers on magazines are not ISBN numbers.
Start typing the name of the Publisher. Options will display - select the most appropriate one. There may be several options due to Nielsen/Amazon listing lots of variations - pick the most accurate. If there is no match add the Publisher's full name to the EYB Member Notes field and EYB will add this Publisher to the database.
Many of the larger publishing companies publish cookbooks under an Imprint with a different name. Check the Publisher details and add both the Publisher and the Imprint. Do not list Imprint if it is the same name as the Publisher.
Publication Type
This has been prefilled with 'Book'. No action required.
Page Count
Check the number of page numbers in book and add.
Publisher Description
If you are copying details from an online source you can copy and paste the description. If you are working from the print book please type in the short description - usually from the back of the book cover or inside sleeve. If the book is not English language you can enter this as that language.
Date Published
Enter the date the book edition you own was published. If there is just a year, enter as 1/1/YYYY.
Edition (optional)
If this information is available add the edition.
Book Format
Click on the down arrow on the right hand side and select the most appropriate option listed.
No Recipes
If the book you are entering does not contain recipes, check/tick this box. This would include autobiographies of chefs etc or histories of food.
Start typing the language of the book - as you type an option will show to match your entry.
Publication Countries
Start typing the Country where the book was published - as you type an option will show to match your entry. Some books are published with the same ISBN in more than one country. Enter all that apply.
Start typing the name of the Author and select the correct match as it shows. If there is no match you need to add the name to the Member Notes field and EYB will add this author to our database. If there is more than one Author, add all names.
Book Category
Select one or more Book Categories that is appropriate for the book. See List of Book Categories here.
Nutrition (Optional)
Click in the field and select one or more Nutrition options from the list that are most appropriate.
Occasion (Optional)
Click in the field and select one or more Occasion options from the list that are most appropriate.
Ethnicity (Optional)
Start typing the Ethnicity of the book - you can add more than one Ethnicity if appropriate. For instance recipes might be from Scotland and Ireland, add Scottish and Irish rather than British. Just because a book was published in a country it doesn't necessarily mean that the ethnicity is the same. A book of Italian recipes could be published in Australia.
As you type, an option will show to match your entry.
Course (Optional)
If the recipes in the book are mainly for a particular Course then select the appropriate Course from the list. If the book is mainly on one topic (Desserts) but includes a section on another (Afternoon Tea) then add both. Where a book is divided into courses. such as: Appetizers, Mains, Side Dishes, Dessert - do not add any courses.
Large Image
Try and include an image of the book cover. If you can't find one online please take a photo of your own book and crop the image so only the book cover shows. Try to take the photo directly above the book and without light reflection.
Click 'Upload Image'. Your image must be a JPG/JPEG or PNG file.
Member Notes
Use the Member Notes field to let EYB know of any problems you've had entering the book details. If a Publisher or Author did not display when you entered it into the field please list it here and EYB will add it to the database and your book. Any additional help needed, please email