You can use the search box to find recipes using a particular ingredient - use this as a quick search when you don't need to be too specific. Or you can use the Filters, which will give you more accurate results.
For instance, chocolate in the search box will give you every instance of chocolate, including chocolate milk. Whereas using the filter you can select exactly the type of chocolate you want and only get results for recipes using that ingredient. You can use the filters to narrow down your search further to find exactly the recipe you're looking for. In this example we're searching for large European chocolate cakes, using dark chocolate but don't use cinnamon.
- From the Filter By section in the right column, select your search criteria like this:
Click on the + next to Ingredients, click on the + sign next to Baking ingredients, click on the +next to Chocolate, click on the circle next to Dark
Continue using the filters to add more criteria to your search:
Recipe Types (+) Baking (+) Cakes, large (Tick circle)
Ethnicities (+) Europe (Tick circle)
Ingredients (+) Herbs & spices (+) Cinnamon (Tick circle) - Once the selected ingredients are added to the filter area you can take them away by clicking on the x sign on the right-hand side, or click on the + sign and that ingredient is excluded from your search.
- If you want to only see recipes where the ingredient is a main ingredient i.e. is in the title then enter title:ingredient in the search box e.g. title:carrots will only show recipes with carrots in the title.
See more information about Using the Search Filters.
See Also:
Narrowing Down your Search Results
Selecting Recipes from Different Sources