There isn't a simple way to install any Bookmarklet on the smartphone or tablet. Several people have come up with workarounds and there is a way to do it following these steps.
- Make sure you have Javascript set to "On" in your phone's Settings. This will be in your browser, Advanced settings.
- Make sure you have your Bookmarks bar visible in your browser (again done in Settings).
- Add this page as a Bookmark (you doing this just to add a new page - it could be any EYB page).
- Select and copy the Javascript below to your clipboard.
- Go to your Bookmarks and edit the new Bookmark. Edit the name to "Add to EYB Recipes" and paste the Javascript in the field for the URL. Be aware that Android seems to change "javascript" at the front of the URL to https:// so you need to edit that to make it the same as below.
- Done.
Copy everything below:
More detailed instructions on adding the Bookmarklet on an iPad …
- Select the Javascript code above.
- Make sure you have "Always show Favorites Bar" on. (Go to Settings/Safari)
- Go back to Safari to this Help page.
- Touch the "Arrow" (sometimes a "+") next to the URL bar.
- Touch Add Bookmark
- Touch folders (field at bottom), which usually displays Bookmarks.
- Select Bookmark Bar option.
- Touch Save button (you are actually saving this page to your Bookmarks bar - which you then convert to the Bookmarklet in Step 10 below)
- Touch the Bookmarks bar
- Select Edit
- Touch Eat Your Books bookmark item that you added in 7.
- Change the name of the field from Eat Your Books to Add to EYB Recipes (or whatever name you'd like).
- Change the URL in the second field by pasting in the JavaScript you copied in Step 1.