Whenever you see a recipe on a food website that you like the look of, you can add it to your Bookshelf using the EYB Bookmarklet.
To use the Bookmarklet feature, you first have to install the Bookmarklet:
- Go to your Home Page. Drag the Bookmarklet and drop it on to your favorites bar. To drag it you need to left click on the widget, hold the click down then move it to the bookmarks bar.
- Depending on your browser type, it may look slightly different. See our instructions (links below) for installing it on an iPad. If you cannot see the Bookmarklet on the Home page it may be that your screen size setting has excluded it. Try resetting the zoom to 100%.
- Whenever you see a recipe on a food website that you want to add to your Bookshelf, just click on the Bookmarklet and the EYB recipe index form will pop up. Make sure you are signed in to EYB before you do this.
- An EYB recipe indexing form will pop up for you to complete. We take as much data as we can from the website - usually at least the recipe name and photo. If there is no photo it means we are unable to copy it from the website. If you can see a photo but it did not load, leave an Indexer note about it and we will add the photo when the recipe is approved. To maintain a consistency and quality to the EYB recipe index, please take care to add correct data. Click on each ? against the fields before you complete a recipe index for the first time. Once you save the recipe it will be added to your own Bookshelf and the EYB Library, after proofreading by EYB (this can take up to 24 hours).
- If you would like to keep all the online recipes that you have added to the Library easily searchable then add your own Bookmark when you save the recipe. If you click the Bookmarks field on the data entry form, your own Bookmarks will appear. So create a Bookmark such as Online Recipes (or if you save a lot, then OR - WaPo, OR - NYT, etc) then when you search all Online Recipes you can filter by those you have added yourself.
The only exceptions that cannot be imported are:
- If the recipe has already been added by another member, it will automatically be added to your Bookshelf instead.
- If the recipe is from a blog/website/newspaper column that we already index then you cannot add another recipe.
- If the recipe is on an aggregator site i.e. a site that takes recipes from other sites, then we block it and ask that you add the recipe from the original source.
Please Note: If you do not want to complete the form to EYB's indexing standards then you can add it as a Personal Recipe which will only show in your Bookshelf.
An alternate way of installing the Bookmarklet
Instead of using 'Drag and Drop' you can install the EYB Bookmarklet in Internet Explorer using this method:
- Display your Favorites Bar by clicking Tools Toolbars Favorites Bar
- Right-click the 'EYB Bookmarklet' and select “Add to Favorites”
- On the pop-up window, select “Create in: Favorites Bar”
- When you are browsing the web and see a recipe you want to add, just click on the 'Add to EYB Recipes" button to index that recipe
Installing the Bookmarklet on Google Chrome
Installing the Bookmarklet on an iPad or iPhone
Using the Bookmarklet to add a recipe from a SmartPhone